Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's Wedding Time!

And off to Chicago we went! My brother Alan tied the knot May 23rd to the lovely Hillary McHale.  Tyler, McKynlee, and I enjoyed ourselves in Chicago, though it was a quick visit. The wedding was a ton of fun and had a lot of cute unique features to it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Welcome Tooth Fairy!

Blake lost his first two teeth!! We had to cheat a little bit, and get them pulled, but shhhh……..don’t tell the Tooth Fairy! He was so excited when he awoke this morning to find $2 under his pillow, it was cute!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Newest Addition!!

Today, McKynlee, Kade, and I got to visit with my sister Brooke, and her new baby boy, Peter Elijah. I can’t believe how little he is, and so cute! Mickey just adored him, and Kade loved holding him. He is such a welcome blessing to our family!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kade's pre school Farm Day

Today was Kade’s Farm Day for preschool, and boy was he excited. He is an absolute animal lover, even if it’s a bug! Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to go with him, but his best friend Sammy let him tag along with her. Luckily, I got her Momma to take some pics for me!